As Şok Marketler Ticaret A.Ş., it is our responsibility to manage environmental impacts as we grow. We comply with national and international environmental regulations and are committed to continuous improvement to manage and mitigate the environmental impacts of our operations. ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System Standard guides us in our business.

The following principles form the basis of environmental policy:

1. In conducting our operations, we act in accordance with all environmental laws and obligations and develop practices beyond legal obligations.
2. We contribute to the fight against climate change.
3. We adopt an environmental management approach based on continuous development. We continuously improve our environmental performance by measuring them through targets and reporting the results.
4. We ensure that our environmental policy is monitored and audited within the framework of the Environmental Management System.
5. We work to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and air emissions by using energy efficiently.
6. We manage our water consumption effectively and strive to continuously curb it.
7. We try to minimize our wastewater to the lowest possible level and reduce the effect of water emissions.
8. We reduce waste and packaging that are formed as a result of our operations at the source, reuse and recycle them and if it is not possible to recycle them, we eliminate them in accordance with the legislation.
9. We respect the preservation of biological diversity.
10. Our supply processes are based on efficiency and sustainability.
11. We work to supply environmentally friendly products with low environmental impact.
12. In addition to legal obligations; we also ensure that environmental policy is monitored and audited within the scope of our Integrated Management System.
13. We encourage all stakeholders, including our employees, suppliers and business partners to implement a responsible environmental management.
14. We receive support and contribution from our employees, suppliers, customers, members of the Board of Directors and all our business partners on environmental management and goals.
15. We inform our suppliers and support them in adopting environmental management practices.
16. During supplier acceptance processes and audits, we take into consideration the environmental approaches of suppliers.
17. We increase environmental awareness through employee training.

The Sustainability Board meets with the environmental management units at least once a year with the participation of the members including the CEO and monitors the environmental policy and its practices. The Board of Directors is informed about the decisions and the processes.

We annually update our performance devised within the scope of environmental policy and share it with the public. We collect stakeholders' opinions on environmental issues in stakeholder analysis studies that we carry out while determining our priorities within the scope of sustainability report.

You can send us your feedback on environmental policy at surdurulebilirlik@sokmarket.com.tr.

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