Human Resources Policy

In a country-wide organization that rapidly grows every day, the Human Resources processes are managed in full integration with our vision.

At the core of our Human Resources Policy lies building human resources processes by which all our employees can amplify their success stories in their career journeys, and maintaining continuity of these processes. It also has made it a principle to provide equal opportunities to all employees in this journey and adopt a fair management understanding.

Contribution to Employment

ŞOK Marketler aims to offer a pleasurable shopping experience for each customer at its stores spread across Turkey. In line with the targeted growth strategy, it contributes to regional and nation-wide employment with new stores to be opened.

Talent Management

Career Management

At ŞOK Marketler, career and performance management systems are managed in conformity with the guidelines established by Human Resources Department.

In order to guarantee furtherance of sustainable and high performance culture, individual targets are aligned with those of the Company by function, and assessed via a system based on balanced distribution model. Similarly, the skills of employees are put to 360-degree assessments, as part of our skills framework. Career management is carried out in a planned manner for each employee, by combining knowledge, skills and competencies set for each position in line with those systems in the Human Resources Planning (IKP) studies. Talents who provide added-value to the vision with their achievements are identified during Human Resources Planning activities. Learning and development process of the talents are determined, while their motivation and loyalty within the organization is encouraged.

We give priority to our employees in our talent pool, composed of existing employees, in addressing the need for talents at our Company that grows every day. Every talent in the Sales Operation Organization in particular is invited to our weekly assessment center practices for the career opportunities defined. With this practice, Store Managers who we consider talents are promoted as Regional Managers, which is the first-level manager position in on-field management. S¸OK Marketler aim to share its experience in retail sector with employees, and therefore manage the strategy and vision for field operations with its own talent pool.

Learning and Development

We have an online training platform “Akademi ŞOK” in place to support learning and development of more than 27,000 employees at our large-scale organization. The Platform has been enriched with the Company’s experience in the retail sector, which is the main driver of its rising success. Accordingly, the platform’s main purpose is to contribute to employees’ learning and development with online learning tools. By taking especially the profile of young generation employees into consideration, the platform is managed in a manner to allow employees to learn from one another and willingly (sustainably) use next- generation training tools available on the platform.

Yıldız Holding